

Caudalosos manantiales de plata
brotan de sus cuencas,
contrastando con el escarlata
que en su mirada proyecta.
Nada más que dolor y desconfianza.
el recuerdo de aquellos más cercanos,
que ganaron su lealtad y elevaron su esperanza,
con el tiempo se alejaron dejándolo triste y abandonado.

En aquel rincón está sentado,
envuelto solo entre las tinieblas.
Su corazón roto y apesadumbrado
y su alma ya devorada por las sombras siniestras.

Cada vez más cae al abismo
donde todo es la nada, no hay sueños ni triunfos,
tampoco dolor interno, ni odio a sí mismo
Sólo es presa del sueño absoluto
que suele acarrear la tristeza.
El alma grita, el cuerpo está indolente
no vale la pena, nada interesa
sólo espera ahí, en tinieblas, su muerte.


Taking a Walk

Cold eyes...
like blood or rubi
see right into those empty orbs seeking deep...
looking for shadows of emotion maybe an evidence of life
among that infinite sea of darkness.

What's that glint in his eyes?
could it be?...
seems like pity,
I didn't know that such creatures could hold that emotion.
His face softened and
come closer,
curious to know
how can a human hide so much sorrow in her now broken soul.
It's just a matter of time...
her life was slipping away so easily
What should he do?
he has the power to ease her pain, but for a high prize
his heart..or

he might claim her as another slave and prolong her suffering.
Just took one more glance to that vulnerable thing in the ground to make clear his thoughts.
He holds her face with both hands while looking lovingly to her.

She smiles, he leans closer and smiles back...



That was the last sound that echoed trought the wind.
A tall figure came out from the shadows of the alley
leaving behind a silvery tear and a broken doll with the most beautiful smile in her face.